
3 Proven Ways You Can Save Money This Year


Let's face it, we all want more money to be able to do the things we enjoy in life and in order to live comfortably. But short of taking out a lot of loans, is there another way to get a good financial backing? In short, the answer is yes and the best way to do it? Save. It really is that simple, however, beginning to save money can seem like a daunting task. But there are ways it can be done effectively and relatively easily. In this article, we are going to show you three ways which are proven to help you save money.

3 Proven Ways To Save Money This Year

Let's now take a look at some ways in which you can cut back and start to save a good amount of money, therefore freeing up some cash to allow you to live more comfortably.

Audit Your Bank Account

In this modern day, many people do not regularly audit their bank accounts, however this is a great way to help you when trying to save money. The reason for this is that you are able to notice any direct debits that are going out each month, and cancel any that are of no use to you anymore. Perhaps you have a gym membership that you do not use or a subscription to a web service that you're still paying for but never take advantage of. If this sounds familiar, it is well worth checking your bank on a quarterly basis and making any necessary updates.

Consolidate Your Debts

If you have a lot of loans that you are currently paying off, you will appreciate how much this can cost. One of the best ways in which you can save a lot of money each month is by consolidating your loans. This simply means taking out one larger loan to pay off all of your other loans and therefore only having to pay one, smaller repayment each month. It’s a good idea to compare loans from a reputable site before making any decisions on borrowing.

Update Your Mobile Phone Contract

It is very easy to fall into a habit with your phone contract, you renew it each year and stick with the same deal you've had since you signed up. But phone companies have some great offers, especially for loyal customers and you could be saving a lot of money by switching it up. If your current provider can't (or won't) give you a better deal, consider taking your business elsewhere, you could be saving a lot of money on your bill every month.


It can be very easy to get comfortable with your current financial situation and ignore the fact that you could be saving a lot of money if you just put in a little effort. By taking some simple actions, you are likely to notice a huge difference in how much free cash you have each month. Take this time to look over your situation and you will soon notice room for improvement and in turn, save a good amount of money this year and in the years to come.