
Ashanti Region To Benefit More From NDC When Mahama Returns - NDC Organizer Denver, Colorado

The Ashanti Region is well positioned to experience significant developmental strides with the return of John Dramani Mahama, the former President of Ghana.

Godson A. Amponsah, the Organizer for the National Democratic Congress (NDC) chapter in Denver, Colorado, USA and NDC Subin Constituency Branch Chairman, said during a recent engagement with the media.

Amponsah emphasized the commitment of John Mahama and the NDC to driving substantial progress in the Ashanti Region, which is known as a critical economic hub in Ghana.

He said the assertion that the NDC is not a party for the Ashantis particularly in this modern day of inclusive Ghana politics cannot be true.

According to him the NPP does not cherish Ashantis more than NDC because John Mahama has done lots of developmental projects in the region. 

He continued that, "John Mahama's return is a beacon of hope for the Ashanti Region."

"The NDC has always prioritized the development of this region, and under Mahama's leadership, we anticipate even more impactful projects and initiatives," he said.

He said John Mahama has always said that if not for his defeat in 2016, the Ashanti Region would have been far developed by the end of his 8-year term.

John Mahama and the NDC is therefore humbly appealing to all Ashantis to vote for his return to power, in order to come and fulfill his vision for the Ashanti Region to attain this enviable high level of development.

During his previous tenure, Mahama launched numerous infrastructure projects across the country, including the Ashanti Region.

These projects spanned various sectors, such as education, healthcare, transportation and energy.

The return of Mahama is expected to revive and accelerate similar projects, addressing key developmental challenges and enhancing the quality of life for residents.

Amponsah highlighted several specific areas where the Ashanti Region stands to benefit.

"We are looking at substantial improvements in our road networks, which are crucial for economic activities and connectivity."

"There are also plans to boost healthcare facilities, ensuring that quality medical services are accessible to all."

"Additionally, we will focus on educational infrastructure to provide better learning environments for our children," he noted.

John Mahama considering the congestion at the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital built alternative hospitals and healthcare facilities across the Ashanti Region.

"Projects like the Afari Hospital, Kejetia Market, Rattary Park, Sewua and Kumawu health facilities and even opening a water supply point for Kumawu are worth mentioning," he said.

John Mahama has also assured that the Kumasi Krofrom Market will be completed when he returns to power in 2025, since the project was an NDC government project.

He said it is sad how the NPP and Akufo-Addo have spent 8 years in power and have abandoned such a project meant to benefit the Ashanti people and the region at large.

He assured that John Mahama will complete all NDC Projects abandoned by the NPP in the Ashanti Region.

The NDC USA Denver-Colorado chapter, under Amponsah's leadership, has been actively engaging the diaspora community to rally support for John Mahama's return.